Welcome Note

Hi welcome to my blog on here you will find many golf courses I have played and hopefully many more. You can view comments I've made and others to. If your course or a course you've played is not on here then please email all your info,pictures, experiences and views to me asap and I will get them on here Thanks. playgolfhere@gmail.com Please feel free to comment on any of the courses currently on here with your opinions and experiences, any bad language or revenge comments will be deleted. If you do comment please leave your first name and handicap at the end as we all play to different standards thanks.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mottram Hall Clubhouse,Pictures & Scorecard

Mottram Hall Golf Club is a 7000 yard championship course. Magnificent parkland fairways dotted with oak and beech trees. Tricky, well-guarded greens. This is golf at its best.Played here a couple of times over the years and the difference in my opinion from the front 9 to the back is massive,the front 9 is rather flat and easy on the legs where as the back 9 is hilly,has great features,tricky and a true joy to play in all fairness it wasn't the best time of year when I played it but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

1 comment:

  1. Cabopino Golf Course is Awesome blog thanks for sharing it.
    it's very useful blog. I would like to read more in future.
